
  • Web Development

    5 Best Node.js Development Trends for the Year 2021

    September 21, 2021 — By Brain Technosys

    Whether Node JS is a framework or a runtime environment is still a point of contention. We can say that node.js could be an excellent solution for both client-side and server-side programming because its fundamental function is to increase throughput while lowering latency. Let’s have a look at the development patterns for 2021.

    As a result, node.js may be an excellent alternative for both client-side and server-side programming. App developers that are familiar with the technology will be delighted to see the next node.js trends in 2020.

    1. Stack of Mean and Mern

    Both technological stacks are strong and capable. AngularJS and React are what make it so powerful. MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS make up the MEAN Stack. MERN Stack, on the other hand, employs React rather than Angular.

    AngularJS uses three different components to write clean and simple code: template, class, and metadata. It’s an MVC framework (Model-View-Controller). Two-way data binding is recommended if the developers are working on a simple project.

    2. Real-time applications

    Real-time apps are currently trending and will continue to do so in the future. These are the programs that necessitate a strong and capable backend. Video conferencing, instant messaging, online gaming, and a slew of other similar apps are prime examples.

    3. More focus on IoT

    Nodejs is a feature-rich runtime environment that enables developers to create data-driven applications with real-time capabilities and microservices. The world has come to terms with technological advancements. If you want to keep up, you’ll have to adapt to modern technology.

    Because real-time programs must manage a large number of user requests, node.js has proven to be a useful tool. It creates not only high-quality software but also a sure-fire solution. As a result, you can rely on node.js to assist you in developing IoT Apps for your clients.

    4. Solutions with serverless technology

    Who wouldn’t want to save money while also increasing their developer’s efficiency and productivity? For serverless architecture, Node.js provides a one-stop-shop.

    It has no ongoing costs and does not require enterprises to factor it into their performance evaluations. Furthermore, it features a large and active community. It is one of the advantages of using Node.js. Most large firms, such as Netflix, AOL, and Telenor, profit from serverless architecture.

    5. Microservices

    Microservices are a feature of Node.js that helps to reduce code maintenance. It supports the server-less method and has shown to be quite effective in large applications. Many businesses are already requesting the feature in order to improve the performance of their online applications by making them faster and more seamless. They may easily maintain the code and make changes where they are needed without affecting the other modules of the program by utilizing Microservices.


    Many people are still unsure whether Node.js is a framework or a runtime environment. Some call it a framework, while others term it a runtime environment. It uses the browser to run JS code. It’s also built on Chrome’s V8 engine, which comes with a bundle that includes a compiler, interpreter, and runtime environment. Looking for the best place to get the right advice related to the implementation of Node.js technologies, then give a call to the Braintechnosys team, and we will be there to guide you in the right direction.