Brain Technosys Recognized for Excellence in Web Development!
October 15, 2019 — By
There’s been a recent trend among small development firms to become more and more specialized in one type of development. Companies want to come across to their customers as experts, so they stick to what they know really well. As this trend has grown, we have occasionally been asked why…
Why Companies Should Choose Vue.js for Application Development
February 26, 2019 — By
In order to develop web applications, why an open source progressive JS framework is needed today? This is a normal question that can arise in the mind of every web developer. In this regard, you must know that JavaScript (JS) has been considered as the most popular programming language used…
5 Lofty Features of Kotlin That Makes It Ahead of Java
February 19, 2019 — By
In the future, you must know that the applications of Kotlin will prove to be ahead of Java. Several manufacturers of a smartphone such as Samsung, Sony, Lenovo, HTC, MI, Micromax, and others, have supported Android smartphone. All these phones have been exclusively designed to display the Android System. Kotlin…