
  • Web Design

    CSS: An Amazing Tool for Website Designing

    April 15, 2014 — By Brain Technosys
    There are several tools to design websites. Website designing have become one of the hottest process in the present world. World is zero without websites. This is true and most of the present people depend on different websites to meet different needs. Among the available tools, CSS have walked straight…
  • Google Adwords

    The Future of Link Building: 5 Important Messages

    April 14, 2014 — By Brain Technosys
    Best practices rapidly change within SEO as technologies (and Google's guidelines) evolve. But one thing hasn't changed: the importance of links. Obviously there are other fundamental concerns (e.g., indexation, crawlability, duplicate content, site architecture), but link acquisition needs to be an active consideration. Links are still the strongest signal we…
  • Google Webmasters

    Authority vs. Popularity: Matt Cutts Teases New Google Search Result Shake-Up

    April 8, 2014 — By Brain Technosys
    Over the years Google algorithm has been changing to take into account social factors more than they were previously. And with a lot of social sharing comes the issue of how to separate knowing what is simply popular, or even a one-hit wonder in the social media world versus something…