
  • Google Webmasters

    Google’s Matt Cutts: We Dropped The 100 Links Per Page Guideline But We May Take Action If It Is Too Spammy

    November 26, 2013 — By Brain Technosys

    Google’s Matt Cutts posted a video explaining why Google no longer has that 100-links-per-page Webmaster guideline.

    In fact, the guideline was dropped well before 2008, but SEOs and webmasters still think having over 100 links on a page is something that may lead to a penalty.

    The truth is: no, it won’t. Sites like Techmeme likely has thousands of links on their home page, and they are not penalized by Google.

    That being said, Google said if a site looks to be spammy and has way too many links on a single page — Google reserves the right to take action on the site.

    Matt also explained that your PageRank is divided by the number of links on a page. So if page A links to page B, C and D, that PageRank is split into three. If you have hundreds of links, it is divided by hundreds, and so forth.

    This content original posted on Search Engine Land .