
  • Google Update

    What Is Mobilegeddon & The Google Mobile Friendly Update

    April 21, 2015 — By Brain Technosys

    On April 21, 2015, Google will release a significant new mobile-friendly ranking algorithm that’s designed to give a boost to mobile-friendly pages in Google’s mobile search results.

    The change, which will take about a week to complete, is so significant that the date it actually happens is being referred to by a variety of names. Here at Search Engine Land, we’re calling itmobilegeddon, but sometimes it’s also referred to as mobilepocalyse, mopocalypse ormobocalypse.

    One of the best ways to prepare is to test that Google considers your web pages to be mobile-friendly by using its Mobile-Friendly Test tool. More about the algorithm, including ways to bring improve the mobile-friendliness of your pages.

    Note: This article originally posted on Search Engine Land.