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    What Are the Features for ngIf With Angular 4

    May 24, 2018 — By Brain Technosys

    As a part of Angular JS Development company India, you must be wondering as to what are the features for ngif with angular 4. In fact, some of the significant new features for ngif starting with Angular 4 have been launched a couple of days before. In fact, with this, you can see great additions to the already built-in nglf template directive. In other words, as a part of Angular JS Developers India, it is possible for you to define a template that can be used for an else clause. Furthermore, you can assign a local variable that can hold the resulting value, if the clause is successful. Given below are the two new features for ngIf that you can use.

    Else Clause Feature

    In order to have an else clause as a part of the ngIf statement, all that you need to do is to create another ngIf statement. This new statement will have the feature of negation from the first statement. However, during this process of angular JS development company India, it is possible for you to define an else clause by assigning the clause with a reference name. This process finally denotes the new template. It can be defined as ng-template or negation template.

    Local Variable Assignment

    Through Angular JS Developers India, it has been found often that the value resulting out of an if statement, will not just represent the boolean true or false configuration. Instead, it will show a value through which it is possible for you to make a reference, easily. Hence, with the help of the new ngIf statement, you can assign the result of, if statement, to a local variable. Furthermore, you can combine both the else clause and a local variable assignment feature.

    NgIf with Async Pipe Feature

    By looking into the new functionalities connected with the ngIf directive, you can see that it can become a powerful function when it is used in conjunction with the async pipe. For example, you can use the async pipe to subscribe automatically to an observable loading template, which you can finally define. This is possible with the else clause, enabling to place the resulting value from the observable to a local variable. However, you need to wait for a period of one second, prior to emitting the data, as the process of network call takes place through observable mimics. Now, it is possible for you to use the async pipe to describe the observable things. Further, it is possible to define an else clause feature along with a template for the purpose of loading a message. Finally, you can declare a local variable through which you will be able to access the data as the observable function gets into it.

    Angular 4 to Angular 6

    The above are some of the vital features for ngif with angular 4. It may be noted here that angular 4 has now been upgraded to Angular 6 version, and released for use as a part of Angular JS Development company India. The new features of Angular 6 are restricted to a minimum, but many changes have been incorporated in terms of tooling. These additions to tooling are significantly found to be great as they facilitate not only upgrading, but also add new libraries to your applications.