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    Digital Marketing and its future

    September 25, 2013 — By Brain Technosys

    Introduction to digital marketing:

    In this era of high-end technology support, what’s left that we don’t fancy doing on a gadget? From shopping to entertainment, to reading and dating, the foundation for all is set up online. Digital marketing is nothing else then the marketing by use of electronic devices like computers, tablets, smart phones, tablets, cell-phones, digital-billboards, et cetera in order to get in touch with clients, customers and other business partners. One of the biggest roles in digital marketing is played by internet marketing.

    Digital marketing helps to lead an organization on the path of development by using a variety of digital channels such as emails, social networks, et cetera.

    Uses of digital marketing:

    From the promotion of brands to products digital marketing involves whirling in all sorts of services using digital advertisements. For the same, it uses television, radio, internet, mobile, and any form of digital media to reach the clients relevantly in less time and in a cost effective manner. Moreover, apart from many common practices of internet marketing digital marketing extends to a whole other sector by including a few other channels too that do not need internet. The promotion by the use of these channels triggers the layman, unfriendly to the net. Also, it acts a passive source on the way to commute and other times. These sources include mobile phones, display banner advertisements, sms/mms, digital outdoor and many other of a similar nature.

    Google updates, a feather touch to digital marketing:

    Where half the world is always on Google, searching, finding, questioning, exploring or poking noses into matters from one to another, there are lists of many beneficial applications that facilitate the usage of Google and the promotions associated with it for the business and other marketing tasks. Google updates are programs available for windows that help ensure that one has the most up-to-date, stable, and secure version of Google applications installed for the promotion and marketing. Google update is an open source component of several different Google programs including Google Chrome and Google Earth. Along with Google updates is Google updater. Google updater helps in maintaining the updates regularly and constantly. It provides the latest known applications and data. By virtue of Google Updater, any firm helps keep track of the on goings in the market, to market itself with hand in hand to the latest known technologies. One work that is added to digital marketing is ‘Google. Hence, Google updates and updaters help immensely in marketing products and services through the internet.

    The future of digital marketing:

    No doubt digital marketing has the highest frequency of adaptability and working. As in the past few years, the world has revolutionized around the internet, now every the small and big thing is available on net. From buying tickets to books, from ordering food to reserving tickets, from learning guitar, music or any form of dance we are just a click away. On a similar context is the backhand work of all these organizations. The marketing carried on by these is all but a part of digital marketing. Thus with the passing days, the dependency on Google and the aids of digital marketing shall only increase.