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    A Quick Guide for Error Handling in ASP.NET MVC

    July 18, 2018 — By Brain Technosys

    Managing errors is considered as an important aspect of any application, as a part of MVC framework developers India process. In fact, ASP.NET enables you to use a variety of ways to manage such errors. Through ASP.NET MVC Development Company India, you can find that there are five ways by which you can handle MVC errors. However, considering applications like .NET, ASP.NET, and MVC, you can observe that there are several possible methods to handle application errors. They include Custom errors related to Web configuration, Handling of error attributes through MVC, Exception method like Controller On, Event errors related to Http Application and Collect exceptions through .NET profiling with Retrace. However, In general, it is has been seen that there are a few advantages and disadvantages to all these methods of handling errors. Though MVC framework developers India, you may probably need to utilize a combination of these methods so that the log errors are handled in a perfect way. Here is a quick guide that can be used and considered as one of the best practices used while handling MVC errors. They are:

    Use Of Custom Errors Related to Web Configuration

    During any application development process, it is always suggested to specify a custom error page in your Web.Config. Your users will observe this page if any unhandled exception occurs. Hence, you must have a Global error page with Web.Config. This is also known as custom errors. It works ideally for a universal webpage as well.

    Use Of Handling Error Attributes Through MVC

    This Handle Error Attribute concept of handling errors is inherited from Filter Attribute. This concept can be applied to an entire controller or individual controller action based methods. Though MVC framework developers India, the method can only handle 500 level errors that can happen within the MVC action. By using this method you will not be able to track exceptions that help outside the MVC pipeline. However, exceptions may occur in other modules of HTTP, including MVC routing. This Handle Error Attribute concept can work perfectly for tailoring specific error pages for a specific type of MVC controller or action method. It is possible for you to get a fine grain control while handling the errors with the help of Handle Error Attribute method. However, the problem that you face is that it does not provide a way to log the errors.

    Use of Exception Method Like Controller On

    This method is identical to Handle Error Attribute concept in handling errors, but the developers will have more flexibility. It will work with all the HTTP status codes and not just 500 level responses. It also provides you the ability to log the errors. However, you need to be cautious as how you can handle simple issues, like a 404, caused by a bad URL.

    Use Of Event Errors related to Http Application

    It is possible for you to use Http application error as a Global exception handler. In this method, you should implement basic error logging code to handle the error, effectively. Through ASP.NET MVC Development Company India, using application error is considered as the best mechanism to collect and log all unhandled application errors.

    Collect Exceptions Through .NET profiling with Retrace

    In this method, it is possible for you to track the performance of your application down to the code level. The method does not need any code changes and allows you to view and monitor your entire application errors, at once.

    The above is a quick guide for error handling in ASP.NET MVC.